Apr 23, 2024

Dear all!

We have finished the CfP process and the first speakers have confirmed. We are thrilled to announce that the lineup is shaping up to be both diverse and insightful, promising to deliver a wealth of knowledge and experience to our attendees.

Important Update on Venue Changes:

As we continue to prepare for the event, we want to inform you of a significant change in our venue arrangements. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we will have less space available this year. This means we will be consolidating our sessions into one track instead of two. While this is a departure from our previous format, we are confident that this will create a more intimate and focused experience for everyone involved.

The change in rooms will require some adjustments to our schedule and session planning. We are working diligently to ensure that the most compelling and relevant topics are presented, and we appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we finalize these details.

We believe that this new single-track approach will foster a closer community atmosphere and provide a platform for deeper engagement with the speakers and content. We are excited about the possibilities this format holds and look forward to sharing an enriching experience with all of you.

Stay tuned for more updates, including the full schedule release and additional speaker announcements. We can’t wait to welcome you to what promises to be an unforgettable event.

Warm regards, The RustFest Team

Confirmed sessions

We have finished the CfP process and the first speakers have confirmed:

Developing a computer algebra system in Rust

When <code>cargo test</code> is not enough

How to build a Linux Kernel Module in Rust? A brief introduction

Modern Game Development using the Bevy Engine

Switching from C++ to RUST (from embedded devices perspective)

Towards Zero-Copy Binary (De)Serialisation: TypeScript <-> Rust

Using Rust for Playing Soccer With Robots at RoboCup

High performance code and the cost of safe code